90 Day Reboot for The Brokenhearted Program

Has Your Heart been Shredded by a Bad Breakup? Frustrated with dating? Getting your hopes up? Feeling lost in a Sea of Loneliness as you yearn for YOUR lifelong love?

Learn how to relate to your partner in ways that work!

If you’re experiencing the post traumatic stress disorder of one too many relationships gone bad, you have arrived at safe harbor.

I know how painful and frustrating it can be to try hard to create the relationship you want in your life, and end up feeling like everything you do just makes things worse.

You want a relationship. You want to be married to that special someone. You’ve been married to the person YOU THOUGHT was that special person, and it went WRONG!

You want the dream of living happily ever after in marital bliss, but you’re just not sure how to get the date or to make a relationship work. You’re afraid of making the same mistakes you’ve made before, and that you see all around you. Your well-meaning friends have been giving you advice, but nothing is working.

Or you keep meeting the wrong type person for you…over and over again?!?!

Whether you’ve never been married or are fresh in the dating world after one or more failed relationships or marriages, you’re in the right place.

You might be like me. I dated a lot, but I couldn’t seem to make a relationship move forward and down the path to marriage. I even watched two men I was deeply in love with marry other women. I was their buddy, not their partner. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. It wasn’t until I learned how to successfully navigate a relationship with a man that I met and married my husband, Art, and with what I teach, I’ve managed to stay happily married!

Maybe you’re like the men I’ve worked with who don’t know how to make a relationship work with women. You want to be married to the RIGHT person, and you just can’t find a woman who accepts you as you are, one who you can ACTUALLY make happy!

Maybe you’ve split up with the perfect guy and don’t know why. Things were going smoothly and then tension started to build or he just plain disappeared.

Maybe you’re divorced and your dreams were shattered because things didn’t work out the way you’d planned, so you’re gun-shy about dating.

There is an enormous confusion about how to make things work with the opposite sex.
We think differently. We act differently. We’re motivated by different things.

If you don’t understand those differences, you’ll stay confused and frustrated.

Here’s the truth. All the dating advice anyone gives you has one major flaw: They aren’t teaching you about the significant differences between men and women and how to navigate those differences. Without that knowledge, you’re doomed to keep having the same experience, over and over again.

I work from a strong belief that you can create the perfect relationship for you, and that having the right skills and the right foundation is critical to making your next relationship work. I’m not going to help you meet the person, I’m going to prepare YOU to attract the right person to you. Heal your past and claim the love you deserve, prepared with the right tools to make your new relationship WORK!

That’s why I created the 90 Day Reboot for The Brokenhearted  Program to help you make relationship choices that work for you. The program includes, coaching, education and mentoring for your future marriage success.

Here’s what one happy client says:

“The program for singles has been highly instrumental in assisting me with dating as a forty plus woman. Times have changed but the rules for men and women have not: Kimi has very helpfully enabled me to understand the realities that still separate us, as well as, allowed me to brilliantly navigate the relationship I have forged with my new boyfriend. We have the basis for respect and love, and I owe the fabulous essence of this to Kimi!” ~ V.H. Vancouver, Washington

To get started, Sign-up for a Complimentary Relationship Breakthrough Session and learn what 90 Day Reboot for The Brokenhearted can do for you!